Random AI Link
There is so much content available about artificial intelligence and machine learning including research papers, blogs, vendors, industry reports, influencer perspectives and more.
It can be overwhelming and difficult to know where to begin.
During the course of researching for Explain Yourself I read or skim-read a lot of different sources.
I have created a simple application to pick a random bookmark from my AI bookmark list. The link is provided below.
Bookmark this link for instant access to an article, video, blog post, meme, research paper related in some way to AI. Or drag it to your desktop to create a shortcut. Click on it to read or skim-read an article, hit the link again to access a new random site.
This is a scattergun approach to learning - but it complements other structured methods and is good to fill a spare 5-10 minutes in your day.
Site selection is random and new links are being added every day.
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